Professor, Group Leader
Phone (office) : +33 5 57 01 72 02
Address: LP2N- Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine Rue François Mitterand F-33400 Talence Cedex, France
Director of the Graduate Research School LIGHT S&T.
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Brahim Lounis obtained a PhD in laser cooling and trapping of atoms at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. He was appointed Assistant Professor at Bordeaux University in 1993, where he performed pioneering studies on quantum optics with single molecules and developed the first single-photon sources. After a sabbatical at Stanford University, he becomes a Professor at Bordeaux University, and founded the Nanophotonics group. His research interests concern the interaction of light and matter and Nano-Optics. He develops optical methods for detection and spectroscopy of individual nano-objects and explores their applications in quantum optics, condensed matter physics and bio-imaging.
He is laureate of the “Jacques Herbrand Grand Price” of the French Academy of Sciences, was elected in 2012 Senior Member of the “Institut Universitaire de France”, re-elected in 2017 and obtained the “Alfred Verdaguer Price” of the French Academy of Sciences. He is co-recipient of an ERC “Advanced Investigators Grant”.